
Healthcare Innovation

User-experience research LUMC

During my research internship at the Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum (LUMC), I conduct qualitative user-experience research regarding an innovative eHealth intervention for asthma patients and HCPs. The main findings can be found in the abstract.

HMC Haaglanden Infectiepreventie

The challenge: For HMC Haaglanden I was involved to redesign the Infection Prevention learning solution. We developed a learning solution that’s now being used during internal trainings and (external) conferences.

In recent months, Laura has helped to develop a learning solution for the Infection Prevention department of the HMC Haaglanden.

This resource is being used to better explain the difficult infection prevention policy in training settings and for in/external communication. We are very happy with the end result, thank you Laura!

- Joyce Bekker | Infection Prevention Expert

Zorg41 summit - ECE Rotterdam

“If we embrace progress in healthcare together, we have more time for caring for each other” – The Zorg41 Summit is an initiative of SMO Promovendi in collaboration with Zorginstituut Nederland and the municipality of Rotterdam.

The challenge: During the second edition of the Zorg41 Summit, innovative stakeholders explored future-proof healthcare systems. SMO Promovendi, we’re I was part of, demonstrated their commitment in finding sustainable solutions related to healthcare. 220 stakeholders from hospitals, health insurers, healthcare technology companies and informal healthcare organizations thought about ways to create a sustainable healthcare system. By means of four future scenarios, they developed several action points.

To ensure that their findings didn’t go to waste, the SMO Promovendi developed the Health Innovation Challenge in collaboration with Erasmus Center of Entrepreneurship. In my role as a researcher & event coordinator my focus was to stimulate health innovation through actual realization and implementation of validated solutions in the healthcare sector by organising the event. Four partners (Maasstad Hospital, Trauma Center SWN, the municipality of Rotterdam and Erasmus Medical Center) designed challenges describing current issues in the healthcare sector; these were then solved by the participants of the Health Innovation Challenge.



CityKids ‘‘Samen sterk voor kindgerichte zorg‘‘

The challenge: For Medical Childcare institution CitKids I was involved as a service designer. During the design and planning of the rebuilding of the Heilige Familie Kerk in Rotterdam. The church is rebuild into a care center, children's hospice, day admission and outpatient clinic. I focused on the design question: How might we create a children centered consultation carousel at the outpatient clinic?

The outcome: By extensive qualitative research, information needs of children and their families were gathered. They were plotted against tech/trend analyses and the current information exchange. The insights and outcome from this project has led to the development of an application (Ontdekkingsreis) for the patients (children). More details you read in the next alinea.

Ontdekkingsreis (journey of discovery)

The ‘‘Ontdekkingsreis’’ is a route map in which the child puts together his own carousel consultation. With this concept, we stimulate ownership (eigen regie) at a young age. The long term goal is to narrow down the gap during the healthcare transition they make at the age of 18. In addition, both the parent and the child experience an ideal carousel visit.

My Role and Impact: During this team project, I worked together with one other design researcher & a Healthcare Engineer. We did the qualitative research together, I created the children’s journey map with key values of ownership, education and fun.


Healthcare research

By qualitative research, I have developed a new working method for occupational therapists within occupational reintegration were gathered. This method has been validated by practice and substantiated from the literature to methodically guide occupational therapists, clients with brain injury (NAH), during the reintegration process.

This treatment method was further developed after my research. Edith Brocken provides training and advice based on this method.

More information (in dutch): https://www.wahw.nl | Ergo & Arbeid