
Municipality projects

Gamification in Learning

Challenge: ‘‘How do we become less dependent on healthcare professionals, and can we, as a community, build more on the strength in our neighborhood?’’ That's what the 'Buurtgoten' game is about.

It’s a face-to-face learning solution where neighbors meet through a game and learn about each other’s strengths and capabilities. Thereby, awareness arises for a caring society, and formulation of concrete actions takes place.

My role: I designed and facilitated the design process in collaboration with Kennisland on behalf of the Drenthe VVT organisations.

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Sustainable Challenges in Einsteins Lab

I participated the Innovation Games in Arhnem. I worked on social design, customer design and concept design. With my team I created a winning concept to stimulate sutainable behaviour of students. 

Winning concept: Led Light district

The concept is LED'S BIKE has been developed to link sustainable behaviour of students to green initiatives in the neighbourhood. A shared bike concept that is free for students and that supports the following pillars:

  • Physical connection: Local residents are set in motion, literally and figuratively, to contribute to a more sustainable neighborhood. Bicycles are parked at sustainable initiatives so that a physical connection can be achieved between residents and students.

  • Informative connection: Through the app (with which the sharing bikes can be locked) the user gets information about sustainability. Example: Per km driven it’s indicated how much CO2 emissions they have saved.

  • Stimulating connection: You save for personal goals through a point system. Such as a discount at the gym or a 15% discount at the sustainable bakery in the neighbourhood. There are also joint savings targets.