

Projects I have done in collaboration with IKEA

Learning & Development project: Commercial Merchandising & Forklift operations

For IKEA, I carried out various innovation projects, of which I would like to highlight three:

Project 1: Clothes and Shoe storage - LEARNING EXPERIENCE (2022)

Challenge: How might we create an efficient learning approach for Clothes and Shoe storage that enables co-workers to meet the knowledgeable customer?

Approach: In the role of Learning Designer, I created, in collaboration with the product team, a validated learning experience. I took the lead in facilitating the Design Thinking process by including end-users and stakeholders in the design process. By using short iteration loops to validate the learning experience during the design process, the team was able to adapt new insights into the design quickly. 

Result: A validated prototype in Articulate 360 for the new learning offer. We created a learning experience that facilitates learning on the floor and support from the buddy co-worker through blended learning designs.

Tools: Design Thinking, Agile, Articulate 360 


Project 3: Play in a new way (2019)

Approach: Based on the following design question, I organised a 4-day Design Sprint: ‘‘How can we engage with children through unstaffed play in all customer meeting points.’’

Result: Three elaborated concepts were validated and implemented in the IKEA Delft Store in 2019.

Tools: Design Sprint & Invision

Download the overview of this design Sprint


Project 2: Competence development - learning solution (2019)

Context: For the competence Development department of Inter IKEA Systems Delft I worked together with Jasper Schonenberg on the following design challenge: "How do we develop a digital learning solution around Fork Lift operations & Commercial Merchandising, to improve the onboarding of co-workers?"

Approach: The outcome of a context analysis about opportunities and frictions has been defined; this analysis where the starting point of our project. Subsequently, I organized a Design Sprint together with Jasper Schonenberg. During this sprint multiple stakeholders and end-users were part of the design process. In five days, we worked on a prototype that was co-created + tested by many stakeholders. We continued to build on the digitization of the learning tool based on the strong operational points. The learning solution supports the 'Learning on the Job' principles and aligns with IKEA's values.

Result: The result of this project was a first tested and validated prototype (proof of concept). The tool went live in December 2019 and rolled out globally.

Tools: Design Thinking, Design Sprint, Invision
