

Education Innovation

An overview of several projects I have done for Educational institutions. All projects are published and nowadays used by students and/or professionals.

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In collaboration with ImpactYou, the book ExpeditieMe was published in May 2020. During this project, I developed the learning experience from A to Z. The innovation in this project is the way of offering education based on the needs of the student. The ExpeditieMe werkbook (dutch version) is now being applied at several secondary schools and recently at the MBO.

My Journey in Design Thinking

My journey in design thinking

For Lumion Amsterdam I developed the educational book ''My Journey in Design Thinking''. In which children in secondary education are visually taken along by the Dutch Design Thinking method of STUDIO.WHY. I developed the learning program in co-creation with Lumion and STUDIO.WHY.

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In collaboration with STUDIO.WHY I developed this Design Thinking training method. My role was to test & develop a training method to educate an (individual) innovative mindset with the long-term goal of an innovation culture within organisation. This project I lead with colleagues of STUDIO.WHY and Ministerie van Defensie and nowadays this method is being in many more organisation.

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Publication SMO promovendi

During my graduation year I worked together with SMO Promovendi in which I conducted research into the future of healthcare. For example, I wrote a future vision and I contributed to the data processing and visualization of research.